How to grow hair faster

long hair - How to grow hair fasterIt is every girl’s dream to have her hair cascading down her spine like a lion’s mane but very few people know how to go about that process and for those who have the right information, they are often too impatient to abide by the rules.

First things first, If you really want to grow long hair, it is only appropriate to know a little about the way your hair behaves when it is still underneath your scalp.

Hair grows at an average of 0.50 inches (1.25cm) every month which means the average person grows 6 inches of hair per year. The rate which your hair grows is determined by two factors: your genetics and the shape of your follicles.

On an average, Asian hair seems to be the thickest and most coarse hair when placed alongside Caucasian and African hair.

Generally a normal scalp has between 90,000 and 150,000 follicles. Follicles are a part of the mammalian skin organ which support and ensure the production of hair along with the stem cells in your body. Usually our hair begins to grow from the root in the bottom of the follicle which is majorly made up of protein cells. Each hair strand grows from each follicle but that usually varies in people depending on their genetic makeup.

Your body supplies blood from the blood vessels in your scalp to provide the roots with the nutrients they need which creates more cells and makes hair grow.

This article is aimed at providing you with all you need to grow all the hair you want. Basically all you need is an increase in the blood flowing to your roots in order to give a nonstop boost to your protein cells and presto! You will be having the best results in no time.

Your first lesson is patience

Gaining new length of hair is bound to take time so it’s important you remain patient as this will be the driving force that will ensure you keep going when it feels like nothing is happening. Except your scalp grows new strands magically, The  average scalp only grows to half an inch in a month when every nutrient needed is available and your scalp is not diseased.

Unless you are Rapunzel in real life, your hair will not grow over night. You need to be consistent.

Disinfect Your Hair as much as you can

There are different kinds of infections that could affect your plans of having healthy long hair and as such it is important to regularly disinfect your hair to prevent any damage that could be cause by diseases.

Recent research has shown that scalp diseases such as psoriasis and dermatitis are caused by the Microbial infection in the scalp which weakens the hair follicles and limit hair growth.  We advise that you use prescribed clinical treatments and appropriate medication especially antimicrobial products to treat your hair regularly. This is one sure way to encourage fast growing hair.

Always condition your hair after a wash

Your hair strands are liable to grow thinner at the root over time. This is mainly as a result of heat styling and from dyeing your hair with different colours. The job of a good conditioner preferably a mild moisturizing conditioner is to restore proteins that have been lost, to close up the hair cuticle and to retain the needed nutrients in the hair shaft keeping it well hydrated. Anytime your hair is wet, it needs a conditioner to get rid of dullness and to keep your hair growing well and shining.

Don’t hesitate to apply a decent amount of conditioner to your hair after every shampoo wash.

You could also mix two teaspoons of vinegar with one liter of water in order to get a mild concentration and rinse your hair regularly. This mixture acts as a natural conditioner and leaves your hair healthy and in perfect shape for more growth

Your Hair needs all the protection it can get

Your hair shouldn’t be left unprotected because that causes it to lose more moisture. Anytime you step outside your house without a durable scarf or hat to retain hair moisture which could easily be evaporated especially in a dusty and hot weather, it gets in the way of your goal as far as your hair growth is concerned.

Anytime you forget to cover your hair properly ensure that you drink a lot of water to remain hydrated in order to make up for the lost moisture.

Keep your scissors close

Usually when hair is damaged, it gets filled with split ends which limit hair growth by causing your hair to grow thin from the roots and eventually break. This is more dangerous for people with dried and already diseased hairs.  You will need the services of a good stylist who understands the makeup of your hair to ensure split ends don’t get in the way of your desired hair length.

Visit the salon not too regularly, preferably after three to four months for a trim to prevent your hair from breaking high up in the strand.


Change your diet to one rich in Biotin

Biotin, is a part of the B-complex group and it is also called Vitamin H. It ensures that food is converted into energy and supports the metabolism of amino acids and fats thereby aiding the increase in protein building blocks.  Your diet should contain more of egg yolk which has a high amount of Biotin, Almonds, Peanuts and Walnuts. Others including milk and salmon also serve as a good source of Biotin.

The protein in our bodies as a result of a rich Biotin diet aids the growth of hair from the roots or the bottom of the follicle. It also encourages the growth of more durable finger nails. On an average, your daily requirement of Biotin is 31 micrograms.

Use more natural products on your hair

There is always a wide range of natural products that you can choose from which is suitable for all hair types. You can even do it yourself with a blend of natural ingredients such as honey, avocado, onion juice and coconut oil to mention a few.