Types of hair

The mistakes made by most people when it comes to choosing the best hair products for their hair is usually a result of not knowing what hair type they have. It is crucial to have knowledge on what type of hair you have as this will not only assist you in choosing the right  hair products but it will also help you reduce the extent at which you experience hair loss.

You most likely know what kind of skin you have whether it’s sensitive or oily or maybe it’s easily dried. But have you ever given a thought what your hair type is?

It will interest you to know that different people have different hair types and it is very possible to have different hair types on an individual. The only similarity with everybody’s hair is the fact that hair is made from a protein called keratin.

So having considered the differences in our hair types, it is not enough to just apply shampoo and conditioner because they have a fantastic package and expect the best results. It is more advisable to have a particular routine that suits your hair type. Maybe the way you’ve been washing and drying your hair or styling it has been wrong all the while and a change will give better results. ‘Knowing your classification of hair will definitely help you decide how to treat your hair in general.

Basically there are four hair types namely the straight, coiled, curly and wavy hairs but these are the major classifications because within these four types are many sub- sections, which can be divided into three categories for each hair type — A, B and C.’

For a better understanding of your hair type I will be explaining in details as I pick each category.

Straight Hair

This is usually known as the type one (1).It is considered as the most resilient of all hair types because it is thick and mostly resistant to damage. It also replicates the most sheen i.e. it is usually shiny, fine and translucent. It is also considered as the oiliest hair type.

Straight hair is also difficult to curl. The reason for this is because the sebum in straight hair texture effortlessly spreads from the scalp to the ends of the hair without curls or kinks as it would have in the case in other hair types.

If the shape of your hair follicles is perfectly rounded or circular, you are most likely to have straight hair. It has three sub-groups which include the medium thickness, coarse and wispy.


Wavy hair

Wavy hair is also known as the type two (2). It is usually as a result of an oval hair shaft, this makes the hair slightly wavy. It has tendencies of being weaker than straight hair, because the protein that makes up the strand can be unequally distributed.  Its texture and sheen vary between straight and curly hair and it has the ability to become luminous. When the waves in the hair are fine, it is styled easily and tames without difficulty, however, medium and coarse hair can be hard to style.

The three sub-groups under wavy hair are the fine and loose S-shape waves, the medium and more definite S-waves and the coarse which in most cases are almost curled.

Curly hair

This is known as the type 3 and it usually has a perfect S-shape or sometimes called the Z-shape. The hair shaft in the curly hair is an exaggerated oval hair shaft which creates big ringlets as it develops. This type of hair is usually voluminous and it is the most easily damaged of the hair types because it depends on the climate of the environment to a large extent.

Eventually when the hair is not properly cared for, it loses most of its definite curls. When it appears dry, it takes after the straight hair because natural scalp oils find it difficult to get to the ends of the hair. The curly hair is far more disposed to humidity, heat and dampness.

The categories under the curly hair are the springy ringlets, the big loose curls and the corkscrew curls.

Kinky hair

This is known as the type four (4) and it has the ability to shrink when it is wet because it contains less cuticle layers compared to the other three hair types. It is also very prone to damage because it features a stiffly curled pattern which is often fragile and with a high concentration.

The kinky hair type has volume, a soft texture and curls, but it is more open to being damaged when it is long. The sub-categories under the kinky hair are the tight coils which have Z-shaped strands, the tight coils and loose coils.

As I earlier mentioned, it’s quite ordinary for you to have more than one texture in your hair. Remember you can’t find two heads of hair that are exactly the same. Every hair has its unique properties.

Having a good idea of your hair type is vital as it can help you decide the best way to care for your hair. Your lifestyle and how you care for your hair can help with your growth cycle and in some cases help to reduce the risk of hair loss.

Hair loss could also come about as a result of not knowing fully what kind of care your hair type requires. Simple minor adjustments to your hair regimen could result in significant changes for those experiencing significant hair loss.


What about hair density?

Hair density actually refers to the number of strands on your head. Hair density can be measured by counting the number of hairs found in one square-inch of your scalp. You’ll be able to make smarter choices not only in the styles you wear but the products you use when forming a healthy hair regimen. Use light products in low density hair so as not to weigh hair down and make it look lifeless. Thicker gels and creams are ideal for high density curly hair.  Medium density hair works well with light leave-ins and spray in leave-in conditioners.

Talk to your hair care specialist for a broad range of solutions to your hair care issues.

Click on the links below to find out more about hair types.

Generally speaking, afro hair is type 4. Most black women have Type 4 hair.

Type 4 hair strands are actually very fine, and tightly packed together. There are commonly three types of Type 4 hair- 4a, b and c.

Type a is easily identified by its s curl shape. Type 4a hair has very high moisture retention capacity, far more than the other types.  Type 4 hair generally needs a lot of moisturizing because the oils from the scalp’s sebum cannot coat the entire strand of hair. Wash and go styles are very fitting for people with 4a hair.

Type b has more of a z curl 4b hair has a fluffed-up appearance, like cotton candy. This is due to the way the hair strands bend sharply in a z shape instead of forming a more rounded curve. 4b hair is prone to breakage because of its tight, sharp-bended nature. Deep conditioning and gentle treatment is best for people with Type 4 hair.

Image source: www.thatsister.com

Type c has no definite curl pattern and is more tightly packed together than the others. Type 4c hair is the most fragile of them all.  It is prone to breakage and as such requires good treatment and gentle care. Women with type c hair are advised to wear a hair bonnet to bed preferable made of satin or silk, to avoid excess breakage.